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Milton Parochial Primary School

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At Milton Parochial Primary School, we have a total of three classes: 

  • Delapre (Reception, Year 1 and Year 2) 
  • Stanwick (Year 3 and 4) 
  • Brixworth (Year 5 and 6)

Click on the menus below to read more about our topics this term!

Delapre Class 

Welcome to Delapre Class

In Delapre, the children will be taking a jump into life in our school pond with Miss Arnold and Mrs Ward.  What will we find in our pond and how can we improve the environment for the living things we find there?

Please see our termly curriculum newsletter for ways in which you can support your child with learning at home.


This term the children will be reading these books at school and you might like to read them at home with your child: 







At our school we follow the Little Wandle phonics scheme of work.  All of our individual reading books for Delapre Class are phonically aligned with this scheme.  We would ask that parents hear their child read every evening and record this in their child's planner. 


We follow the White Rose Hub maths scheme of work at our school which you can see if you click on the link below:

White Rose Hub

Long Term Map

Delapre Long Term Map B


Stanwick Class 

Welcome to Stanwick Class

During the summer term, Stanwick class will be virtually travelling to India to find out all about life and culture.  They will be taught this Mrs Scott and supported by Miss Errington. 

Please take a look at the termly curriculum newsletter for further information.


Here are some of the books that Stanwick class will be using this term which you may like to purchase and read with your child are home:











The links below will enable you to see the maths curriculum for year 3 and 4 combined.  You will also be able to click on the knowledge organisers for each year group which will be useful when you are supporting your child at home. 

Stanwick Class - Year 3 Maths

Stanwick Class - Year 4 Maths

 Long Term Map

Stanwick Long Term Map B 


Brixworth Class

Welcome to Brixworth Class

Here in Brixworth class you will find our year 5 and year 6 children.  They are taught by Miss Ward who is supported by Mrs Harris.  In the summer term, the children will learning all about our capital city now and in the past in our theme 'An Eye on London'. 

Please also see our termly curriculum newsletter for further information.


Here are some of the books we will be using in Brixworth class this term which you mat wish to purchase to support your child with their learning in the summer term:





The links below will show the yearly overview of areas covered in maths for Brixworth class.  You will also find knowledge organisers to help you support your child at home with the areas of maths that are taught at school.

Brixworth Class - Year 5 Maths

Brixworth Class - Year 6 Maths

 Long Term Map

Brixworth Long Term Map A

Brixworth Long Term Map B




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