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Milton Parochial Primary School

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Friends of Milton School (FOMS)


The Friends are a group of parents who support the school by raising money. We organise and run events such as the winter and summer fetes, school discos, cinema nights that all of the children thoroughly enjoy. Every penny we raise goes towards providing our children with equipment, school trips, and the best environment in which to learn.

As we are a very small school the friends need at least two parents from each year group to help out on the committee

What we do:

  • Meet once a month
  • Help out at events (once every 2 months)
  • Behind the scenes organization (shopping/ planning/ phoning/ posters/ flyers)

We need:

  • Volunteers to join the “Friends”
  • Volunteers to help at events- we put lists up usually
  • Your support in any way.

If you would like to join us and make a difference to the educational experience our children receive please contact the School Office by using our Contact Us page.

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Peterborough Diocese Education Trust

PDET is a family of Church of England Schools across Northamptonshire, Peterborough and Rutland.

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